Monday, January 21, 2013

Success of E-Books as a Home-Based Business

People are consistently looking for ways to make money using a variety of software products or through an understanding of online auction houses. Dozens of e-books have been developed to attempt to address a variety of topics that have found a connection with online consumers. Perhaps the success of e-books as a home-based business has to do with the immediacy of information acquisition or possibly the low cost associate with e-book download. Maybe the success is linked to the portability of the product through hand-held PC devices or it might simply be the desire for new information.

Traditional publishing houses might never consider publishing a book on subjects like online safety specifically at Christmas time or how to breed tropical fish, but these subjects are addressed in e-book form and they have sold very well.

A traditional publisher can take up to a year or more to get your book to market while a completed e-book can be ready to go in a matter of minutes in some cases. Marketing your website is the one technique you should master for your own survival and success online. Offer an article to a newsletter webmaster and the blogs you joined, with your link in them, of course.

Today's online consumer is used to locating information that answers their questions immediately. If they can locate it online at a cost that is less than a bookstore and without the hassle of trying to get to the bookstore in hopes that they actually have what they want, then you become the hero of the day when you provide an e-book on the subject they are looking for. Many e-book authors have utilized a multi-pronged approach to distribution. Some sell product exclusively on their website, but many have also (or in lieu of) used an e-book reseller to push their product onto the larger stage of mass consumption.

However, when a home-based business owner determines to make their e-book available the end result is a long-term revenue stream in residual income through payments for downloads of the e-book. The concept is similar to traditional book publishing, but leaves the control of the book in the hands of the owner of the work. You'll notice I say 'owner' because increasingly freelance writers are being used to develop the idea with ownership remanded to the one requesting the material.
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